Thursday, April 23, 2009

Domo-kun Marshmallows

I just found this website recently called Anna The Red's Bento factory. If you don't know what Bento is I advise you go take a look at her blog, you'll be just as fascinated as I was when I first saw it! When I saw this tutorial for Domo-kun Marshmallows on her site I almost wet my pants with excitement...I mean who doens't love Domo-kun ?

I have been working on some Domo-kun cookies and hope to post the how-to for those someday soon. I seem to have a back up of projects, and even though it's been a couple of months I'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing...who knows, someday I might even have an audience! ;P


1 comment:

urban craft said...

so wicked! Love domo kuns!