Day-dreaming of the first signs of Spring...

Coooold reality
As I type this my fingers are freezing, the high temps around here have been in the teens, yes you saw that right...the teens. I have to admit that between the icky snow covering the ground, and the frigid cold I have been suffering from the winter doldrums and a bit of cabin fever, does anyone know if there is a prescription I can take for either? Stuck in the house 24-7, still a little worn out from all the Christmas festivities and stress, and not feeling much inspiration to do any sort of creative anything. I seem to go through this every January, however, yesterday I did come up with a few winter project ideas that might boost my spirits! I will be posting a new, very winter inspired project this week that I think nature lovers like myself will especially love!
By the way, I often complain about my camera on here, saying I can't get very good pictures for tutorials because of my camera, etc. Well now I have no excuse for bad pictures, or lack of them either! My parents got me a spiffy new Pentax D-SLR for Christmas, I almost fainted when I opened the package! And it's an awesome shade of red too! Look at it below in all it's red glory! :D
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