Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials...according to the definition on Wikipedia. :) I have always been fond of mosaics, especially in the garden. The above and below pictured
mosaic mushrooms were one of the first project tutorials I posted on here, and people loved them as much as I did. These mushrooms reside in my Mom's garden and she is quite fond of them as well!

After finding my Grandfather's old bowling ball a couple of years ago I started (but never finished :P) this tutorial on a
mosaic bowling ball for the garden, pictured below. However, Marisa's lovely
finished mosaic bowling ball is pictured below my un-finished version. If you have an old bowling ball I highly recommend this project, it's cheap, relatively easy, and looks great hiding amongst plants.

Marisa's finished piece!My Mom made the unique mosaic birdbath pictured below with a terra cotta pot and saucer, strong hold glue, flat marbles, broken blue glass pieces, and grout.
Mosaic birdbath Want to create your own mosaics for your garden, or even house ? You'll need a couple of things:
- Grout
- Broken glass, flat backed marbles, tiles, small round mirrors, buttons, plastic charms, etc!
- A Sponge (for cleaning the grout off of the tiles, marbles, etc.)
- Water
Mosaic is easy, very therapeutic, and a great way to use old broken plates or glasses if you have any!